International Women’s Day: not sure about you, but every year we find ourselves reading this differently. The word ‘women’ is crucial of course, but this is a day we celebrate internationally – it is a day that invites and ignites women all around the world to support and share their experiences of womanhood as one. Yes, today is a day that unites what we have in common, but this is also a time to connect our differences: our cultures, races, classes and beliefs. It is through connectivity and womanhood, that we can learn to understand, admire and appreciate each other’s strengths, however they manifest within us.
Over the past year, we have seen more and more women speak out and join forces, paving the way for positive change. The strength and significance of these changes would be unbeknown to us all had these women stood up unsupported.
On the 5th of October last year, Dovetail Agency’s Managing Director Jane Alexander (one of our valued and long-standing clients) invited us back to perform at the Champion of Women Awards in London. Halfway through the awards, Jayne delivered an extremely honest, truthful and relate-able speech to filled room made up of 400 women. It was her final observation that struck us the most: ‘We are strong and decisive. We give love, support and we nurture. We can be sassy and playful. We are wise and we use initiative.’ We weren’t alone in being moved by her words – they clearly struck a chord with everyone else in the room, too. Within seconds, everyone jumped to their feet in unison, breaking out into an enraptured applause – it was an extremely empowering experience.
Women who empower other women make the difference and we shall never forget the energy shift in that ballroom that day – it was magical. This International Women’s Day, we encourage each and every one of you to celebrate the women in your lives. Whether they are your friends or role models, let them know how instrumental they have been and how important they are to you. We shall leave you with one of our most favourite and funniest articles featuring ’24 definitive reasons why being a woman ROCKS!’. Because after all, being able to laugh at ourselves is universal and an ability within us which should always be celebrated. We hope you enjoy!
Shine On

Just Notice