My family and I felt privileged to be asked initially by the Variety Club to sing our song, ‘Heal Me’. What an honour! As it transpired no entertainment was allowed at the event so we were invited regardless to meet Samantha Cameron and show our support for this worthy cause.
Our girls were a hit; SamCam spoke more to them than she did to Simone and me, and they chatted beautifully (practicing what they’re learning in our nightly reading sessions of ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People). BOOM.
When you walk around inside and imagine what’s gone on in there, the mind boggles. You can just about taste history in every corner. One of the guides, who’s worked there since 1982, showed us which room Winston Churchill used as his bedroom in World War 2 and where he placed his bed; the ceiling Margaret Thatcher changed when she was PM, with a design to reflect the four countries that make up Great Britain; the fragments of moon rock collected by Apollo 11 in 1969; and the kids sat on chairs dating back to 1732. Nice.
After the meeting with SamCam and speeches, we moved on to a beautiful dinner for esteemed guests at Roux where Yvette Robinson, Mark Goldthorp and I did a cheeky Incognito performance to spice things up! No show without punch.
Only 100 odd metres away in Parliament Square there were swarms of protesters with banners aloft reading ‘Don’t bomb Syria’ et al on the eve of the British Government’s decision. Depending on your political beliefs, or view on the current situation, it may or may not have been appropriate timing to meet the Prime Minister’s wife at his office. Hmmmm… However we reminded ourselves we were there to support the wonderful Variety Club charity; we believe sick and disabled children deserve our attention anytime, anyplace, and we were all there for that reason.
‘Tis the season to be jolly so enjoy the festivities and this month’s build up to Christmas or the ‘holidays’. I love this crazy time of year; the focus on fun, family and friends, feeling grateful for all we have and all those we love, and celebrating our legendary-ness!
At Incognito Artists we know how to get the party rocking around the Christmas tree or going off like a firecracker for New Year’s Eve, so if you want the extraordinary: give me a call. Yule love it!
Shine On

Just Notice